HGI Review is owned and operated by Hegemon Group International. HGI is a marketing company with a network of independent affiliates offering a wide range of products and services? HGI does not provide insurance, real estate, legal, or tax advice. Hegemon Financial Group, LLC (HFG) provides insurance products in the USA, while Hegemon Insurance Solutions (California License #0I0198) provides insurance products in California. The company is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Hegemon Group International of Canada ULC offers insurance products in the provinces where it is licensed
What is HGI
Hegemon Group International or HGI is a limited liability company based in Georgia, USA. The company offers financial products & services, and investment solutions based on commission payouts. The company is based on a Leadership Format System, which helps create a strategic blueprint for envisioned entrepreneurs enabling them to create their own business or financial plan successfully.
HGI is an income opportunity based on MLM – Multilevel Marketing, which is a multitier system of marketing on several levels like affiliate & referrer marketing, direct selling, social marketing, etc. dealing with different companies’ products & services.
This pyramidal marketing and selling structure enables exponential growth of earnings, redistributed to all the participants based on their respective commissions. For business-minded individuals in North America, HGI is an opportunity not to be missed.

The beginnings of HGI
Hubert Humphrey started the Hegemon Group International in 2012. At that time, Humphrey was well known for deploying the new MLM – Multilevel Marketing techniques in his predecessor companies.
It all started with the induction of the multilevel marketing techniques in A.L. Williams, the first company Humphrey was working on in 1990. It was the first company to reap MLM’s benefits, resulting in an immense increase in salesforce and stockbrokers.
Later in 1991, he used the same techniques for his new company Alexander Inc. The company was later named World Marketing Alliance (WMA) and was one of the country’s biggest independent brokerages. WMA Mortgage Services Inc. leads to yet another company dealing with Mortgage and real estate. The new company, named World Leadership Group, operated till 2008.
Later in 2012, the Hegemon Group International was officially launched, offering insurance, Mortgage, real estate, and investing. The company also deals with equities, retirement funds and debt financing, etc.
Average person and HGI
Two ways are using which an average person can start accumulating their income through HGI. Firstly, you have investing options like insurance plans, debt financing, etc. You can simply buy these protection plans to secure your health and future. These plans help individuals have a secure future by building up their very own retirement funds and emergency funds.
The second option accounts for the passive approach to income. You can start your own business with a nominal fee and extras if you like the cheery on top of your cake. To start things off, what you need is a business-oriented mindset and $199 in your pocket. This amount makes up for the marketing and retail training you will get before starting your very own business. You can pay $30-$50 extra if you need a website, and you can also pay more for optional extras like office resources and décor.
How to join HGI
Joining HGI is a piece of cake. Just visit Hegemon Group International at their website or contact them from the official website. You need to provide your name, cell, email, city, and state with a short intro. The people at HGI will contact you to provide all the necessary details about their products and service offerings.
Hegemon Group International has a mission to empower common people and average families to be financially independent. With a vision of consumer empowerment, Hegemon Group International opposes the market trend to transfer the market power from company to the consumer. Our Leadership Format System LFL will allow us to archive this. The following are some of the points for the competitive edge of HGI.
Increase cash flow
HGI uses proven techniques to assess the expenses and reduce them. HGI is continuously looking for opportunities to invest you in to increase your income.
Debt Management
HGI takes into account all your availed loans, mortgages, credit info, and financial matters, to make you a personal financial plan to get you debt-free from 8-10 years.

Emergency Fund
Suppose you store your saving in 401(k) or IRA, and god forbid any emergent situation arises. You can not withdraw your money without restriction and penalties for early withdrawal of your amount. However, HGI plans for your future to make investment plans through which you can accumulate 3-6 months of net income that is accessible anytime you want.

Proper protection
With the ever-increasing cost of health in the US and the growing risks, insurance is a vital part of one’s life. But not every insurance company provides complete protection, which is provided by HGI.
Wealth building
HGI provides long-term investment plans to ease you into the future. Personalized investment plans let you retire to the lifestyle you wish, without the worries of cash flows and savings.
Wealth perseverance
Perseverance of wealth is far more complicated a task than building wealth. HGI formulates long term strategies and tutors investors to retain their hard-earned funds by reducing or eliminating the non-essential taxes.
Who can build HGI
If you are the kind of person having a keen sense of selling and marketing techniques and have a decent investment amount you can use to purchase the products to resell it for a profit later, you can join in with HGI.
HGI Review on insurance plan vs. others
HGI insurance plans have an apparent benefit over their competitors, that being they are a collection of large groups of companies that HGI can and do use to their advantage. Plus, the insurance agent’s income is tied directly to consumer satisfaction, so the agent will always work to benefit you the most by mentoring you in the best way possible.
Investing in wills and trust with HGI vs others
When you buy wills or trust instruments from market, you can either profit or loss. If you have a loss on one of the trust funds you purchased from the market, you have to bear the loss because the company can not do anything about it. On the other hand, if you have invested in a trust fund with HGI and it resulted in a loss, you will not have to bear it. The company has invested your money in different portfolios, balancing your losses with profits, in turn returning you with a consistent flow of profits.
Is HGI worth it?
Most MLMs are just recruiting sales rep without salary, and most have terrible payout ratios. Unless you have plans to start your own MLM, being costly by investing more is just a myth. The products you are to sell are obsolete, and there is no market for them. MLMs only uses people to sell products that they could not sell otherwise in physical stores because they know the body will notice them, among other great products. As far as our experience goes, this is no alternative to the business or a real job.
HGI Products:

HGI deals in 2 types of Products:
- Financial Based:
- Insurance Based products:
Here are complete details on HGI Products.
Why should I choose products from HGI?
Because through HGI, you can have profit sharing.
A leading MLM company, HGI provides financial products and services to its clients through an independent affiliate network. These affiliates guide the client about the “Circle Of Safety”. The agents and affiliates associated with HGI are licensed, educated, and trained, ensuring that you are working with the best of the best.
You can earn money through direct selling of HGI products or by building a network of distributor organizations with new affiliated agents. Though HGI doesn’t disclose income, you can receive a commission ranging from 40% to 80%, or some from your hiring team.
What is HGI?
HGI (Hegemon Group International) is a limited liability marketing company that offers insurance, mortgage, real estate, investing, equities, retirement funds, and debt financing, among other insurance and financial products and services.
Is HGI a scam?
HGI is accused of being an MLM scheme, which relies on member recruitment rather than traditional retail methods. Critics argue that HGI’s compensation structure is similar to that of an MLM scheme, despite HGI’s denial of these allegations.
What are HGI’s products and services?
HGI offers a wide variety of insurance and financial products and services, including life insurance, health insurance, annuities, mortgages, real estate, investments, equities, retirement funds, and debt financing.
Is HGI a good company to work for?
HGI has a 3.5 rating on Glassdoor, based on 17+ anonymous employee reviews. 55% recommend working here and have a positive outlook, but reviews are self-reported and may not reflect all employees’ experiences.
Where can I find more information about HGI?
You can find more information about HGI on its official website. You can also read reviews of HGI on Glassdoor and other websites.