If you are new and not familiar with a Green card I would personally recommend you to first read our blog on what is a Green Card & why is it important. Now that most of your doubts might be settled let us understand the different categories of the Green card under which you can become a permanent citizen of US
The U.S. Citizenship and immigration services (USCIS) states on the organization’s site the eight green card qualification categories, everyone divided into various subcategories. So before you apply for green card read all the mentioned 8 categories very thoroughly.

The first category of Green Card is Family-based Green Card. Close family members of U.S. Residents and current green card holders may apply for family-based green cards of their own. Qualified relatives incorporate life partners, children, guardians, and siblings(as well as the life partners and children of those mates, adult children, and sibling).
Additionally remembered for this class are widows and single men who were married to a U.S. Resident at the time the resident passed on. Like life partners of living U.S. Residents and current Green Card holders who apply for a marriage-based green card, widows and single men must demonstrate that their marriage was legitimate to get a green card.
Other distant family members which include— cousins, aunties and uncles, and grandparents — don’t qualify. They may apply for a green card in particular if they, as well, have a closer relative who is a U.S. Resident or current green card holder (or meet all requirements for one of the different sorts of green cards beneath).
There are four categories of Green Card under work-based immigration status open for someone who is looking to apply for Green Card:
▪ the first category(EB-1) for foreign residents with extraordinary skills or exceptional specialists.
▪ the second category (EB-2) for experts with professional degrees; and
▪ the third category (EB-3) for skilled workers and professionals.
▪ there’s additionally a classification for immigrant investors(EB-5), who must invest at least $1.8 million out of another business that would profit the U.S. Economy and make in any event 10 qualified employments. In targeted employment zones with high unemployment, the necessary investment drops to $900,000.
The above mentioned two categories of Green Card receive the highest number of applications and most of the people in the US fall under this category.
Read details about Employment-Based Green Card Process
This category of Green Card covers exceptional immigration status covers a wide scope of cases, from ministers and religious workers (minister or no minister) in jobs inside their places of worship, people who come as “Broadcasters” For the U.S. Office for global media, and employees of recognized worldwide associations, for example, NATO.
Before applying for green cards, non-residents more likely than not lived in the united states for in any event one year after their asylum request was affirmed, and should keep on meeting the meaning of a refugee
People admitted into the U.S. As refugees can likewise apply for a legitimate green card.
This category of Green Card covers individuals with T nonimmigrant status, allowed to casualties of human dealing who have corporated out the examination and prosecution of dealers or would suffer outrageous hardships whenever sent to their home countries.
To meet all requirements for a green card, the candidate must have truly lived in the US for one of the accompanying time frames, whichever is shorter:
- Three years since getting a T visa
- The duration of an investigation or prosecution of human trafficking
It additionally permits qualifying holders of U nonimmigrant visas given to casualties of certain criminal cases who have endured physical or mental abuse, to become lawful permanent residents.
To fit the category of green card, in any case, the candidate should satisfy the following basic categories-
- The people under this category should have genuinely lived in the US for in any event three years since getting a U visa.
- They must not have left the united states from the time they applied for a green card until USCIS has approved (or denied) their application.
- They must not have refused to help investigate or prosecute certain crimes from the time they received a U visa until USCIS approves (or denies) their Green Card Application.
This category of Green Card covers qualified candidates under the violence against women activists who have been of extreme brutality, as well as abused & neglected youths under the special immigrant juvenile (SIJ) characterization.
Victims of life partners or children of Cuban and Haitian locals who became legitimate permanent residents through the Cuban adjustment act and the Haitian refugee immigration fairness act, individually, are additionally qualified for green cards.
An abusive victim can apply for a green card individually — without the information or consent of their family member, who can include:
- A present or previous life partner who is a U.S. Resident or green card holder
- A parent who is a U.S. Resident or green card holder
- A kid who is a U.S. Resident
USCIS won’t inform the abusive relative of the application to protect the person in question.
This category of Green Card additionally covers a wide scope of cases, including the winners, drawn from random selection, of the well known U.S. Visa lottery, which issues 50,000 green cards each year, and the Cuban adjustment act that benefits Cuban locals, their spouses and children.
This characterization benefits the children born in the united states to a foreign diplomat and children of Haitian refugees who got a green card because of the Haitian refugee immigration fairness act.
The registry section of U.S. Migration law permits green cards for certain outsiders who have been true in the united states since 1972, without interference, regardless of whether they are currently undocumented.
I have mentioned all the 8 categories and their eligibility requirements and criteria in this blog. Hope you follow these categories and apply for your green card accordingly.