Do you want a Google Home Mini for $0.99

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*Do you want a Google Home Mini for $0.99*

Just follow below steps

1. Register to Spotify with google E-mail (
2. Select Premium Spotify plan for 3 months at $.99
3. Upgrade the plan to a family plan (won’t be charged the $14.99 instead the 3 month trail will be reduced by 2 months)
4. You will receive an email to claim google home for free
5. Go to the link and complete the purchase
Note in step 2,3 & 5 you have to give credit card.
6. Cancel the subscription before the family plans automatically renews after 2 months from date of purchase (You can cancel after a week but you will have the offer until end of 2 months)

With this you will have Spotify Family Plan for 2 months + Google Home mini for $.99 cents only

Now what are you waiting for go finish the products before it’s too late.

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